Iraq National Prevention Strategy

At the kind invitation of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Azhee participated today, November 24, 2020, in the work of the first day of the Suicide Prevention Conference, along with a group of high-level officials representing the federal ministries related to suicide prevention, including the Ministry of Health and Environment, Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Interior, Justice, Labor and Social Affairs, the Supreme Judicial Council and the Independent High Commission for Human Rights.

The conference is hosted in Baghdad by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers with the support of the Government of Germany.

The main theme of the conference is to consolidate coordination between the relevant authorities in order to develop a national suicide prevention strategy that meets global standards and meets the urgent need at the national level.

The conference, which will continue tomorrow, complements the workshop held by our organization, September, last to launch the process of reviewing the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.

We are pleased that in their opening speeches, the representatives of the Ministry of Health and IOM praised the active role of the organization in this area.



